Brilliant performance of Szent-Györgyi Students at the 35th National Conference of Students Research Societies

Brilliant performance of Szent-Györgyi Students at the 35th National Conference of Students Research Societies

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Due to their excellent performance, 9 Szent-Györgyi Students have been awarded with a prize at the 35th National Conference of Students Research Societies, which was held online in the city of Szeged on 06-09 April 2021.

The list of award winning students is the following:


1st prize:

Endre Kocsis Endre Kocsis - Faculty of Medicine 3rd year
Valéria É. Meszlényi Valéria É. Meszlényi - Faculty of Medicine 6th year
Dávid Tóth Dávid Tóth - Faculty of Medicine 6th year


2nd prize:

Márk Harangozó Márk Harangozó - Faculty of Medicine 5th year
Zsófia R. Hernádi Zsófia R. Hernádi - Faculty of Pharmacy 2nd year
Zsófia F. Nagy Zsófia F. Nagy - Faculty of Medicine 5th year
>Bernát Nógrádi Bernát Nógrádi - Faculty of Medicine 6th year


Special award:

Leó Asztalos Leó Asztalos - Faculty of Medicine 5th year
Szuzina Gyulai-Nagy Szuzina Gyulai-Nagy - Faculty of Medicine 5th year


We are proud of our former Students’ achievements as well:
Anna Grassalkovich - 2nd prize
Dóra Hantosi - 1st prize
D. Kurszán Jász - 1st prize
Fanni M. Márványkövi - 2nd prize
Anna Nászai - 2nd prize
Balázs J. Szenci-Kaszás - 2nd prize
Krisztina Szőke - 2nd prize
Réka Tóth - 2nd prize
András I. Vigh - special award

Congratulations for the excellent achievements!

