The basic training of secondary school pupils takes place in the well-equipped, modern laboratories of the seven National Education Centres and in the twenty Regional Education Centres.



National Education Centres(NEC) operate in Debrecen, Gödöllő, Hódmezővásárhely, Pécs, Szombathely and two in Szeged. Their scientific work is coordinated by the head of the NEC. Their most important tasks include the management of talented pupils, introduction of new laboratory methods and tests and also the regular education of Szent-Györgyi Senior Teachers.



The Specialized Laboratory for Scientific Education (TERMOSZ Laboratory) located at the Radnóti Miklós Experimental Grammar School in Szeged, the (SzeReTeD) Laboratory at the University of Szeged Teacher Training Secondary and Primary School, the laboratory of the Nagy Lajos Grammar School of the Cistercian Order in Pécs, the laboratory of the ELTE Bolyai János Practice Primary and Secondary Grammar School in Szombathely, the laboratory of the Tóth Árpád Secondary School in Debrecen, the laboratory of the Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School in Gödöllő and the József Gyulai Laboratory at the Németh László Secondary and Primary School in Hódmezővásárhely all play an important role in the Academy’s Secondary School Education concept. The support of the Hungarian government made it possible for the NASE to equip and renovate the laboratories above which are serving also the goals of the Academy. In addition to their core activities, all these secondary school laboratories serve as national centres where pupils from all over the country can conduct complex biological experiments. Furthermore, the teachers actively participating in the program also receive professional trainings in the centres, where they learn the methodology of the modern molecular biology exercises that they later perform with the Szent-Györgyi Pupils. Accordingly, NASE provides the necessary background for carrying out research and teaching tasks. During the school year, the laboratories welcome pupils and teachers who visit for several days.

Radnóti Miklós Experimental Grammar School in Szeged

Radnóti Miklós Experimental Grammar School in Szeged

Nagy Lajos Grammar School of The Cistercian Ordner in Pécs

Nagy Lajos Grammar School of The Cistercian Ordner in Pécs

ELTE Bolyai János Practice Primary and Secondary Grammar School in Szombathely

ELTE Bolyai János Practice Primary and Secondary Grammar School in Szombathely

Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School in Gödöllő

Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School in Gödöllő

Tóth Árpád Secondary School in Debrecen

Tóth Árpád Secondary School in Debrecen

Németh László Secondary and Primary School in Hódmezővásárhely

Németh László Secondary and Primary School in Hódmezővásárhely

University of Szeged Teacher Training Secondary and Primary School

University of Szeged Teacher Training Secondary and Primary School